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当前位置:得优网教学文章免费教案英语教案高二英语教案第三课时 语言学习课(1)语言点

第三课时 语言学习课(1)语言点

    09-29 13:46:05    浏览次数: 855次    栏目:高二英语教案

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.deyou8.com 第三课时 语言学习课(1)语言点,

第一步  作业检查

1. Have a dictation. The teacher reads some sentences with new words in them

In the distance, they could see the broad river.

① They went on a tour of Beijing, a wealthy city in China.

② He went downtown to buy what he wanted.

③ The water was seen flowing into the sea.


2. Check the homework: Exercise 1 in Using Words and Expressions on page 70.

Answer key:

1.airplane   2. border   3. downtown   4. continent   5. cowboy   6. Dawn    7. frost   8. minister   9. goat   10. official   11. maple   12. speed   13. surrounds   14. wealthy

第二步  词汇复习

Finish Exercise 2 in Learning about Language on page 36 as quickly as possible.

After finishing it, discuss in pairs and then check the answers with class.

Answer key:

Alternative words and expressions

Words and expressions from the text

to a great degree


have a natural ability for

have a gift for

stop talking or doing something in an excited way

settle down

the area where the land meets the sea


to be all around someone or something


a place where water is calm and ship can be safe


think about a problem until you find the answer

figure out

town with a harbor


inside a certain area


第三步  语言点(1)构词

1. Ask students to observe the words with the explanations in the form and then draw a conclusion.

2. Fill in the form according to the information given to you.






made of many colors


to the front


having many channels


to the east


existing in many forms


to the inside


including many nations


in a direction to

having many stories

to the back


to the outside

made of many tracks


>>《第三课时 语言学习课(1)语言点》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

Suggested answers:

① multi-story   ② using many media   ③ multi-track   ④ multifunction   ⑤ having many functions   ⑥backwards   ⑦ outwards   ⑧ to the north   ⑨ westward(s)   ⑩ to the west

Sum up:  You can put the prefix multi- in front of many words to give them the meaning of “many”. The suffix -ward(s) has the meaning of “in a direction”.

(Instruct the students to read LEARNING TIP on page 40.)

第四步  语言点(2)词组归纳(介词副词填空)

⑴ ______ the distance             

⑵ ______ far as

⑶ go ______   

⑷ go ______ the province

⑸ be (go) ______ a trip to                    

⑹ ______ dawn

⑺ ______ the south side of the lake

⑻ ______ the airport                    

⑼ leave ______

⑽ ______ the harbor

⑾ ______ size

⑿ look ______ ______ the window ______ the wild scenery

Suggested answers:

⑴ in   ⑵ as   ⑶ downtown/ eastward   ⑷ through   ⑸ on   ⑹ at   ⑺ on   ⑻ at   ⑼ for   ⑽ in   ⑾ in   ⑿ out ;of; at


Read the sentences and then sum up the usage of each phrase.

第五步  语言点(3) rather than

Simon would beg in the street rather than get money in such a dishonest way.

I’ll have a lemonade rather than a coke.

He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.

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