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当前位置:得优网教学文章免费教案英语教案高二英语教案第一课时 精读课

第一课时 精读课

    09-29 13:46:05    浏览次数: 149次    栏目:高二英语教案

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.deyou8.com 第一课时 精读课,

第一步  引入话题 ( Warming Up )

1. The teacher raises the topic ---- travel by asking the students some questions:

Do you like to go sightseeing? What is the longest trip you have ever taken?

What’s the best city in China for sightseeing in your opinion?

What country will you want to go for sightseeing if you have enough money?

2. Give them a suggestion about where to go by showing some pictures of Canada and make them interested in the places and eager to find out what places they are.

3. Give them the answer by showing the students the maple flag and a map of Canada.

4. Find out what the students have known about Canada by filling the form.


Full country name



_______North America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean on the_______, North Pacific Ocean on the_______, and the Arctic Ocean on the_______, the United States on the _____  

Total area/ size

about 9,984,670 k㎡


about 32,270,500 (July,2005)

Capital city


The leader of the country

Prime Minister


English, French,


varies from temperate in south to subarctic and arctic in north

Natural resources

forests, fishing, water, wildlife, coal, natural gas...

Geographical features

mountains, lakes, rivers, prairie

National animal


Answer key:  northern  east  west  north  south

第二步  预测文章的内容  ( Pre-reading )(个人自由发言)

1. Ask the students to give a brief introduction about Canada by looking at the map and then try to use three words to describe the country. 

(Such information can be included as location, climate, cities, physical features, natural resources.)

2. What do you expect to see in Canada if you have a chance to take a trip to Canada?

3. Look at the title of this unit and ask students to guess why the title is given as Canada ---- “The True North” and imagine what topics will be talked about in the passage.  

4. Ask one or two students to give their opinions.


1.Give students 5 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:

① What is the main idea of the passage?

② Why is the title given as Canada ---- “The True North”?

③ Which topics in the form in Warming Up are mentioned in the text? 

Suggested answers:

  ① The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada. 

  ② Because the two girls took a trip across Canada by taking the cross-Canada train called “The True North”. 

③ name, size, natural resources, population, geographical features.

2.Give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions:

 (Before students read the passage, tell them that attention should be paid to the hints of the main places mentioned in the text.)

>>《第一课时 精读课》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

Answer the questions in complete sentences. (Comprehending 1 on page 35)

① Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

   ② What is the continent they are crossing?

③ Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

④ What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

⑤ Where does wheat grow in Canada?

⑥ Look at the map of Canada. Why would ships be able to reach the center of Canada?

3. The following sentences are not true. Write sentences with correct information. Tell Your partner where you found them.  (Comprehending 2 on page 35)

① The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

② Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

③ You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

④ The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

⑤ Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.

第四步  攻克理解重难点(小组合作学习; 小组竞赛)

Ask students to go over the passage and find out their own difficult points in reading. Then discuss in groups of four trying to solve the problems together.

1. The four teams try to find some difficult points of the text and take turns to ask the other teams to solve these problems.


2.     The teacher offers help at last if necessary.

3. The teacher can get them to paraphrase some sentences and check their understanding.

① Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.

② Most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA border, and in fact, the population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million.

③ That idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.

第五步  口语训练(采取双人活动进行讨论、复述和编对话)

1. Ask the students to use three words to describe Canada and explain the reason according to what they have read in the text.

Suggested answer: big; empty; beautiful

(It is the second biggest country in the world; The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong; The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million; You will see mountains and pass thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities.)

2. Have the students circle the places mentioned in the text and then draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada on the map on page 33. Retell what they saw and what they heard at those places.

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