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Unit 2 Healthy eating 教学设计

    09-26 13:16:11    浏览次数: 972次    栏目:高二英语教案

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.deyou8.com Unit 2 Healthy eating 教学设计,





本节课为听力及写作课,教学内容为人民教育出版社2007年出版的实验教科书必修三unit 2 的using language听力部分;写作部分是笔者根据教材要求自行设计,以期达到本课功能目标而做的相关拓展。

教材中的listening 部分是对主体阅读文章内容的继续,王鹏向专家请教有关均衡饮食的问题,了解营养失衡的饮食对身体健康的危害。













教学过程采用任务型教学的理念。首先通过对阅读课文的复习引入本课的听力内容,在充分理解听力材料的基础上完成半封闭性任务“选择最佳菜单”(which one is more balanced),及开放性任务“我是饮食专家”(I am an expert on diets), 归纳有关建议的常用句型结构,在此基础上完成写作任务“一封倡议信:健康早餐”(let's have a balanced breakfast)。设计的任务由浅入深,环环相扣,在整个教学过程中始终关注“均衡饮食”这条主线,引导学生达成教学目标。


Step 1: Lead-in

Discuss and predict the possible answers to the questions:

(1)What do you think will happen to the customers if they keep eating in Yonghui's restaurant?

(2)Besides the library, what will Wang Peng possibly turn to for advice on his new menu?

设计说明:对阅读课文进行复习,引发学生对新课的兴趣,启动他们对于饮食与健康之间关系的相关思考,同时以这种方式提醒学生关注王鹏解决问题的策略与思路, 引入部分为接下来的听力内容作好铺垫。

Step 2: Pre-listening

(1) Brainstorming

Discuss in groups of four to make a list of all the illnesses resulting from an unbalanced diet.

Q: What are the common illnesses caused by unbalanced diet?

(2) Introduction to new words

Show them pictures of scurvy, rickets, and obesity and ask them to practice the pronunciation.

(3) Prediction

Predict the possible causes of these three diseases

Q: What are the possible causes to each illness?


Step 3: Listening

(1) Global listening: listen and find out the main idea of the passage.

Q: What's the listening text about?

Wang Peng is consulting an expert on diets to find out __________________.

Q: How many illnesses are mentioned? What are they?


(2)Selective listening: Listen for the second time and do the following exercises:

Can you join the illnesses to their causes?

Which illness do we still have today?

Why is it that we don't get scurvy or rickets today?

设计说明:选听的目的在于让学生捕捉材料中的具体信息, 引导学生关注材料中的关键词,边听边做好笔记,并进行简单推测。

(3) Intensive listening: Listen for the third time and fill in the blanks.

Who got these illnesses and why?

If you eat too much of _____ _____ and _____, you may become obese.

____ who didn't eat enough Vitamin D and body-building food didn't grow _______.

_________ used to find that their _______ fell out and they had _________ on their skin.


Step 4: Assessment

Discuss in pairs and compare the following two menus and decide which one is better balanced and why.

Task: “选择最佳菜单”(which one is more balanced?)

>>《Unit 2 Healthy eating 教学设计》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

Meal I                                                       Meal II

Jiaozi                                                        rice

chicken with mushrooms                           steamed perch

dry bean curd                                            stir-fried beans with bamboo shoots

pork                                                         stir-fried tomato with eggs

barbecued mutton kebabs                           stir-fried beef with chili and peanuts   

stir-fried eggplant                                      spinach soup

salted duck egg                                         yogurt and apple

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