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高一英语Classical and popular music教案3

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Module 3 Unit5 Classical and Popular Music
一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)
(一)单元地位(Unit Position)
1   本课介绍了各种音乐类型、与音乐相关的职业以及著名的音乐家等。在对音乐家进行描
2   围绕本课主题“音乐”,学生可讨论自己熟悉的音乐类型以及最喜欢的音乐家或歌手。从这些成功的音乐家或歌手身上,学生可对他们成功所必需的个人素质和优秀品质展开讨论。
3   本课中涉及了语法现象——名词性从句。本单元主要复习巩固了主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句。对于这一语法现象,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的总结和操练,使学生能在真实的语境中使用名词性从句。
(二)单元目标(Unit Target)
1 复习名词性从句语法现象,能区别主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句,并在真实的语境中加以熟练地运用。
2 能了解并介绍著名的音乐人物。
3 能谈论自己所喜爱的音乐类型。
(三)单元重点(Unit Points)
1 关键词:
 语言知识类
regard…as, graduate with the highest honours, on a tour, quit, at very short notice, greet, recall, make use of, interpret, at a loss, cast, drive, spare, protest against, etc.
 交际功能类
1) 音乐类型:Blues, Classical, Dance music, Electronic music, Heavy mental, Folk, Hip hop, Jazz, Country, Opera, Symphony, Rock, Rap, Pop, etc.
2) 与音乐相关的职业:conductor, soloist, orchestral player, string player, band, brass band, chamber orchestra, wind band, string band, symphony orchestra, military band, light music band, pop group, jazz orchestra, tenor, soprano, baritone, etc.
2 功能:
1) Talking about music(描述“音乐”)    参考课本第93页 Useful Language
 You’ve got a good ear for music.
 I’m no judge of music, but I know what I like.
 Rock’n’roll has a strong beat.
 Symphonies are too heavy and complicated for me.
 The tune is melodious.
 The first movement of the symphony is beautiful.
 I like its exciting rhythm.
 I know the tune, but I don’t know the words.
 I can’t stand rock music because it’s too loud.
 The lyrics to the song are so touching.
 Classical music has so much more depth and meaning.
 The Beatles were actually the best known group of singers of the 1960’s.
3 语法点:

二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
1 Reading 本课的导入可利用课文前的几幅“著名音乐人物”图片,对其进行简要描述,了解他们的Nationality, Musical career, Master pieces等。在此基础上,阅读并讲解课文。
对于课文的初步处理,教师可利用“Jigsaw reading”教学手段,结合合作小组活动方式,帮助学生梳理文章的脉络,对课文有一个整体的把握。
 [链接1] Jigsaw reading的操作建议。 课本第80页——Highlights部分。

课本第82页——Text 部分。
2 Listening 教材第89页的听力部分,可让学生对古典音乐家Rossini有所了解,并学习”face the music”这一表达方式的含义。 课文第89页——Listening Practice
3 Speaking 以“音乐”为主题设计口语活动。
活动二:Brainstorming 以自己的偶像为例,讨论流行歌手成功的因素。
活动三:Group work选取一种音乐类型,搜集相关的信息并制作网页,挂于班级网站中。
[链接2] Brainstorming和Group work的一些具体教学建议。 课文第90页——Speaking Practice
4 Structure 名词性从句的复习是本课的语法教学内容。
[链接3] 名词性从句复习巩固的教学建议。 课文第87页——Structure 部分
5 Additional Reading 本部分与Unit 5内容直接相关,建议放在最后一课时。
本文出现的重要词汇与词组:interview, journalist, classical, romantic, slip, career, competitive, aggressive, oriented, solemn, miserable, let the chance slip through one’s fingers, bring up, etc.
 [链接4] 模拟采访的教学建议 课文第93页——Additional Reading
在课文初步处理时采用jig-saw reading这一方法,可以化整篇阅读为段落阅读,使学生通过对所读课文内容的互动交流,完成不同的练习,实现从部分到整体,逐步熟悉掌握课文的目的。在活动的各阶段,教师可设计不同的任务,有针对性地训练学生的阅读能力。整个活动都是以小组为单位进行的,这就要求学生通过组员间的配合,来完成任务,培养学生互帮互助的团队合作精神。
1 整篇文章可分为两部分:第一部分为paragraph A, B, C, H, I。第二部分为paragraph D, E, F, G。
2 请学生听课文的第一部分,并填写表格。
Time Event
On Mar. 25, 1867 Toscanini was born in Italy.
At the age of 9 He entered a music school.

高一英语Classical and popular music教案3由www.deyou8.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.deyou8.com
www.deyou8.com In 1885 He graduated with the highest honours in cello and composition.
At the age of 19 He joined a Italian orchestra on a tour in Brazil.
In 1931 He was physically attacked for being anti-fascist.
In 1954 He dropped his baton.
In 1957 He died.
3 Jigsaw reading: 教师把课文的第二部分再分成三部分,分别是paragraph D, paragraph E, paragraph F and G。同时把全班学生分为三组。
4 第一组学生阅读paragraph D,第二组学生阅读paragraph E,第三组学生阅读paragraph F and G。每位学生各自阅读拿到的材料,并完成True or False练习。
Para. D
 Toscanini did his job without the help of a score because he had a good memory.  (T)
 He became a great conductor just because of his good memory.  (F)
Para. E
 Toscanini tried to use body language to interpret music.    (T)
 He couldn’t describe a very light effect in a passage to an American orchestra because he wasn’t prepared for it.    (F)
Para. F&G
 Toscanini drove his orchestra much harder than he did himself.    (F)
 He would shout at anyone who arrived late for the performance.    (T)
5 请学生再次阅读手中的材料,用形容词来描述Toscanini成功的原因(如果学生程度较低教师可给出一些形容词以供参考),在文中找出根据,并在组内进行交流。
Para. D  (请学生找出名词为根据)
a marvelous memory, charisma, energy, strict attitude towards performance, loyalty to composer’s intention.
Para. E  (请学生找出动词为根据)
stamp one’s feet, snap, tear…to pieces, draw, cast, etc.
Para. F&G  (请学生找出动词为根据)
drive, weep for joy, slap, shout at, etc.

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