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英语教案-Why do you do that-教学教案

    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 349次    栏目:高一英语教案

标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,高一英语教案免费下载,http://www.deyou8.com 英语教案-Why do you do that-教学教案,

      Burn, so that, stop. . . (from) doing, make. . . do

  3. To make sure that the students can act out the dialogue publicly and that they can make a similar dialogue.

二、Teaching Procedures

Step 1Revision

1.Check the homework exercises

2.Ask some Ss to read aloud the travel diary

Step 2 Presentation

T: We have many kinds of flowers on our campus which make our school very beautiful. But do you know how to plant flowers?

Possible answers: First dig a hole in the earth. Put so

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