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6A Unit5 On the farm 市级公开课教案

    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 189次    栏目:小学六年级英语教案

标签:pep六年级英语教案,人教版六年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 6A Unit5 On the farm 市级公开课教案,

牛津小学英语6a unit5 on the farm第二课时教案 

一. 教学目标 
1. review seven phrases: milk cows,pull up carrots,pick oranges,taste the food, collect eggs, cook food,water flowers. 
2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写单词last和did。 
3. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型what did you do …?/what else did you do…?及其答句。 
4. 初步了解一般过去时中规则动词的过去式变化规律及其变化中的不同读音。 
二. 教学重点 
1. 四会单词和句型的初步掌握及运用。 
2. 了解规则动词过去式的变化规律。 
三. 教学难点 
1. 规则动词过去式中ed的不同读音。 
四. 教学准备 
五. 教学过程 
1. listen and act 
( fly a kite,play the guitar,jump up and down,taste the food,milk cows…) 
2. free talk 
(1) what day/what date is it today? 
(2) what do you (usually)do at theweekend? what else do you do? 
(3) t:what does your father usually do?(预先安排好一位同学) 
s:he works on the farm. 
t: your father is a farmer,right?just like a li baba.(课件展示)we call him uncle li. 
he is a farmer,too.let’s say‘ hello’to uncle li! 
ss: hello,uncle li. 
li:hello,boys and girls.welcome to my farm. 
1.t:let’s visit uncle’s farm,ok? 
t:uncle li didn’t stay at home last weekend.he worked on the farm last weekend. 
do you know last weekend? 

(teach:last,last weekend) 
2. t:hey,uncle li!what did you do last weekend? (teach:did及该句型) 
t:let’s ask uncle li, what did you do last weekend? 
ss: uncle li, what did you do last weekend? 
li: i milked cows.(repeat) 
t: (teach:milked /t/) 
3. t:what else did you do,uncle li? 
s1:what else did you do,uncle li?(个别问) 
li:you can have a look.(快速飞过若干图片) 
(teach:pulled up carrots/d/,collected eggs/id/watered flowers.) 
4. t: miss chen visited the farm with uncle li last weekend.can you guess what did i do last weekend?(多媒体播放奶牛声) 
s:you milked cows. 
t:(课件播放)yes,you are right. 
what else did i do?(通过遮盖图片猜词组) 
s:(picked grapes,tasted an apple,watered trees) 
5. say a chant: 
uncle li was on the farm, 
milked,milked,milked cows. 
miss chen was on the farm, 
cooked, cooked,cooked food. 
boys, girls were on the farm, 
picked,picked,picked grapes. 
happy,happy,they were happy! 
1. t:boys and girls,are you happy?but look at this boy,is he very happy? 
do you have any questions about the boy? (有可能提问以下问题) 
s1: what’s the boy’s name? 
s2:what’s wrong with him? 
2. t: listen carefully,answer the question you have raised . 
s:(s回答自己所提问题)he’s peter./he forgot his homework. 
t:what did he do last weekend? 
s: he played computer games. 
t: what else did he do? 
s:he watched tv. 
t:so he forgot his homework. it’s not good.don’t forget your homework,ok? 
1.try to read.(discuss how to read them in groups) 
needed, liked, wanted,walked,lived,watched,cleaned, closed,played. 
3. help uncle li to find friends: 
watered ,collected, played, visited, jumped, pointed,smoked,watched,listened 
picked ________ ________ ________ 
pulled ________ ________ ________ 
tasted ________ ________ ________ 
4. help uncle li to do a survey 
t:uncle li wants to know:what did you do last weekend,boys and girls? 

>>《6A Unit5 On the farm 市级公开课教案》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 who peter   
pulled up carrots    
collected eggs    
tasted the fruit    
watered flowers    
watched tv √   
played basketball    
did housework    
did my homework    
played with a yo-yo    
washed clothes    
played computer games √   
finish the exercise paper on your table. 
1. 通过今天所学的知识,以后同学、朋友之间见了面就不用再把“您吃了吗?”挂在嘴边了,我们也可以问问他最近做了些什么事情:what(else)did you do last…? 
2. 动词过去式不难学,多读多记多累积.一般情况下加ed,遇到不发音字母e, 
只要在末尾加上d. 培养语感很重要,单词到嘴就turn out. 
unit5on the farm oct.19th 
last 上一个的 did ( do和does的过去式) 

what do you do at the weekend? what did you do last weekend? 
i milk cows. i milked cows. 
what else do you do? what else did you do? 
i water flowers. i watered flowers . 
collected eggs. 
pulled up carrots.

>>《6A Unit5 On the farm 市级公开课教案》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

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