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当前位置:得优网教学文章免费教案英语教案高二英语教案【人教课标选修9】Unit 1 Breaking records

【人教课标选修9】Unit 1 Breaking records

    09-13 00:42:45    浏览次数: 552次    栏目:高二英语教案

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.deyou8.com 【人教课标选修9】Unit 1 Breaking records,
Why he became a sportsman

Countries he likes best

Place and date of birth

His occupation

His education

His first Guinness record
2. Careful reading
  Now read the story more carefully and answer the following questions

in groups.

1.      Where do you think Ashrita lives?

2.      How old you think he is?

3.      Has he broken records in all seven continents?

4.      When did he first come across the Guinness Book of World Records?

5.      What are some of the physical difficulties he has experienced when

A.    Walking with a bottle of milk on his head?

B.    Somersaulting?

C.    Standing on top of a Swiss ball?

D.   Doing gymnastically correct lunges?

6.      Which one of Sri Chinmoy’s beliefs led Ashrita to attempting records?

7.      Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?

8.      Why did Ashrita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon?

9.      What happens in an event that prevents Ashrita from giving up?

3. Discussion
Discuss some of the Ashrita’s beliefs, and explain.

Period Three


To train the students’ ability of listening and speaking


1. ahead of

He walked ahead of me.

ahead of time/ ahead of schedule/ in advance 提前

go ahead with / go on with / continue (with) / carry on (with)  the plan

go ahead (催促对方) 继续干或说下去,译成“请”= please do

Go ahead and tell me.

May I use your book?

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