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第一册unit 9 Technology Reading-Life on the Go-教学教案

    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 860次    栏目:高一英语教案

标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,高一英语教案免费下载,http://www.deyou8.com 第一册unit 9 Technology Reading-Life on the Go-教学教案,


1.      Let students have a general understanding of how cell phones together with other new technology have changed the way people live.

2.      Let students learn to use key words and phrases.

3.      Train students reading ability, such as summarizing the outline of the whole text.


A brief arrangement of the lesson:

1. Lead into the lesson by a free talk about cell phones.

2. Deal with key words and phrases: providing some sentences for students to complete or to translate into Chinese.

3. Reading comprehension: fast reading to get a rough picture of the passage

                      detailed reading to get the main points of important paragraphs

4.      Discussion: Is it necessary for teenagers to have buy cell phones?


Key words and phrases: press, image, function, add, feature, dial, emergency, whatever, obey the rules, in case of, on the go, remind somebody of.


The outline of the text:

 <?Para. 1  Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones


 Para. 2.  Cell phones can be used for many things.

For example: talking to people, sending messages and passages,  playing games, listening to music, keeping appointments.


Para. 3   Cell phones also cause problems.

1. In school, cell phones may disturb class

         2. At home, students may spend too much time and money on cell phones.