新目标八年级英语上册Unit2 What’s the matter?Section B (1a-2c)教案及反思-八年级英语教案,
Task2. Report your survey. Give us a report with the sentences.
Task3. Write a report. Write it down.
Model: Jim is tired. She should /she shouldn’t…
V. Summary
1. Sum up how to talk about your problems and give advice?
2. Sum up how to form good habits and healthy lifestyle in your life.
3. Exercises: 看图,根据图和下列文所提的情景完成句子,然后将图文配对。
1) Mr. Jackson is quiet. He is going to have his first fight against a strong boxer. Now he is s________.
2) Miss Brown is hot and t_____. She rushes to the kitchen and get some water to d__________.
3) Mr. Smith is very h______ because he hasn’t eaten for 8 hours. When he g _______ home, he quickly takes an apple and e_____ it up.
4) This is Kate. She’s t_____ after a day’s hard work. She h______to go to bed e______ tonight.
5) Sonja’s father is a teacher. He likes music very much. He’s going to l______some pop music over the radio.
图文配对1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5_____
VI. Homework
1. Finish Tongbu.
2. Review 1a-2c
3. Preview 3a-4. Finish 4.
本节课主要内容是谈论亚健康问题和提出相应建议,内容较少、较简单,所以对该话题进行了适当拓展,有了表格提供的相应语言支持,学生在表达时不再感觉无话可说,学生整体的学习效果较好。课堂教学环节中的重难点,如果有了可以上的台阶,难点将会不难,所以我们的教学设计要做好“铺台阶”的工作。教案《新目标八年级英语上册Unit2 What’s the matter?Section B (1a-2c)教案及反思》,来自www.deyou8.com网!http://www.deyou8.com
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