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    06-21 11:48:38    浏览次数: 889次    栏目:七年级英语教案

标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,新目标七年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 新目标初一Unit4教案,

UNIT4  Where’s  my  backpack



Step1  Warming  up

1  T: I also like the classroom. It’s a big room. ……

     What can you see in my room?

     What other things can you see?

     <Show a picture. P1>

Teach new words(table chair sofa bed bookcase dresser drawer) and read them.

2           T:Who has a backpack?(Let one student show)

Teach new words.(backpack  a baseball  keys  a plant) <P2>


Step2  Practise

1  Use a book and teach “in on under”. Show a flashcard.

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It’s on the desk.

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It’s in the desk?

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It’s under the desk?

   Let Ss read.

2  Open the book(3c).Let the Ss work in pair and act it out.


Step3  Game

   Play “Simon Says Game”


Step4  Pairwork

1        Open the book.(2c). Let Ss read questions and answers.

2        Work in groups of four. Ask Ss “Put the thing in the room” .

Call several pairs to act it out.

e.g S1:Where is the backpack?

   S2:It’s on the bed?


Step5  Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.

   Open the book(3a). Let Ss do. Then check the answers. Have the Ss read together.


Step6  Design your bedroom

1           Have each group draw bedroom and then tell the class“What your room like?”

Student show his/her bedroom and design it

2           Show a flashcard <P3>

Step7  Homework

Write down “My bedroom” in exercise book.


Hand in pictures..

