四字词语 口号 名人名言 顺口溜 祝福语 短信 教学文档 教学总结 教学反思 考研 自考 企业管理 营销 人力 财务 个人创业 求职指南 厨艺教学 物业 管理文库 谜语

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新目标初一英语unit 6教案

    06-21 11:48:17    浏览次数: 391次    栏目:七年级英语教案

标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,新目标七年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 新目标初一英语unit 6教案,
   A: Is this your family photo?

   B: Yes, it is

A: Who is your mother?

B: She is medium height, has short curly hair. She is thin.

A: Aha I find her, is it her?

B: Yes, it is. You’re clever. What do your parents look like?

A: My father…and my mum…  

   Then ask several pairs to act their dialogues out.

2.      Invite one student to draw a picture of a person, and write down the description of the person

Step V Summary (1minute)

    New words and target language. The differences of “is and have/has”

Step VI. Homework (1minute)

1.      Copy the new words learned in this lesson 3 times.

2.      Write down the dialogue they’ve made in the class


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