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Food and drink Lesson 76-1教学设计示例

    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 722次    栏目:七年级英语教案

标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,新目标七年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com Food and drink Lesson 76-1教学设计示例,

2  Music is always good to use to “spice up” your lessons. Students are very interested in music in English, and there are many tapes and CDs in China that have songs in English from popular singers. If the song is simple, you can teach it, or part of it to your students. If the song is more complex, play it for your students and have them use it for extra listening practice, writing down the words they hear. Or you may make a list of several of the words in the song on the Bb and have the students listen for them in the song. For this unit, the song, “Scarborough Fair” by Simon and Garfunkel works nicely because it discusses herbs that are used when preparing food. You can buy this tape in a music shop here in China

Food and drink Lesson 76-1教学设计示例由www.deyou8.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.deyou8.com

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