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    06-22 12:37:33    浏览次数: 672次    栏目:礼仪英语

标签:商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,http://www.deyou8.com 用餐时的礼仪英语,

 Who, because of religious and social traditions, eat and do other things with the right hand? 什么人由于宗教和社会传统使用右手吃饭,做事?

  Muslims. 穆斯林。

  47.During dinner, if you are mouthful, what should you avoid doing? 用餐时,如果口中有食物,应当避免什么? Talking.说话。

  48.Many Chinese like to talk with full-mouth food at table, and how do you like it, especially when you're dining with foreign guests? 许多中国人吃饭时喜欢满嘴食物说话,你认为如何,尤其是与外国客人共餐时?

  It is a bad manner. 这不礼貌。

  49.If the host makes dinner herself, what should the guests do? 如果主人亲自烹调食物,客人应该做什么? Giving complements.给予赞扬。

  50.When entertaining a foreign guest, is it good or not for you to do your best to persuade him to drink a lot? 在款待外国客人时,适宜劝酒吗?

  No. 不适宜。

  51.When serving wine, how much should you fill the guests’ glasses? 上酒时,倒多少给客人为宜?

  Half the glass is okay. 酒杯只倒二分之一满。

  52.When drinking with a Korean, what should you pay attention to? 与韩国人喝酒时,应注意什么?

  The younger should turn to the side when drinking with an old Korean to show his respect. 晚辈跟长辈一起喝酒时,晚辈必须将身子侧向一边喝酒,以示对长辈尊敬。

  53.When dining with some friends, you want to add some salt to your food, but the salt bottle is quite far from you, on the other end of the table.What will you do then? 当你与朋友共餐,你想要给食物加盐,但盐瓶放在桌子的另一端,离你较远,你应该怎么办?

  You may ask someone who is near the bottle to pass it to you with a sentence like “Maggie, would you please pass me the salt?” 请靠近盐瓶的人递给你,可以说类似的句子,如:“Maggie, 能把盐递给我吗?”

  54.What is the proper way to eat bread?吃面包的正确方法是什么?

  The proper way is to first break it into small pieces and then butter one piece at a time. 吃面包的正确方法是将其掰成小块,然后一次吃一片并涂上黄油。

  55.When you drink soup for western food, what is the proper way to use the spoon? 西餐中喝汤时的恰当方法是什么?

  You should use the spoon to take the soup from the edge of the bowel to the middle, not the other way round. 汤匙由身内向外舀出,并非由外向内。

  56.While drinking soup, what should you pay attention to? 喝汤时应当注意什么?

  Don't make any sound. 不要出声。

  57.When eating salad, you should use a spoon or a fork? 吃沙拉时,你应该用勺还是用叉?

  A fork.叉。

  58.After drinking coffee, where should you put the spoon? 喝完咖啡,你应怎样摆放咖啡匙?

  To place it on the saucer.放在碟子上。

  59.Is it appropriate to place your elbows on the dinner table? 将双肘置于餐桌上合适吗?

  It's appropriate to place your elbows on the table only after dinner when

  there is no food in front of you. 只有餐后桌上没有食物时方可如此。

  60.How to show that you don't want any wine? 如何表明你不需要续酒?

  A simple “No,thank you.” to your waiter will suffice. 直接告诉侍者无需添酒,并表示感谢。

  • 上一篇:英语经典名言
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