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当前位置:得优网教学文章免费教案英语教案高二英语教案英语教案-Canada|||Same as China|||Different from China

英语教案-Canada|||Same as China|||Different from China

    06-21 12:26:11    浏览次数: 970次    栏目:高二英语教案

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.deyou8.com 英语教案-Canada|||Same as China|||Different from China,

north, winter

long, hard

-60℃ average -10℃ summer 20℃ Jan 3℃ July 18℃

Step ⅨHomework

  Retell the whole text, finish off the exercises left.


  1. 谈论:教师给学生分成几个小组,看哪个小组说得流利和词语准确,把话题写在黑板上If none of you have ever been to Canada before, in the future what place do you go there? 最后教师可分别评定结果。
  2.介绍:学完这加拿课后,教师问学生们还知道哪些国家,教师可给学生们举几个国家例子,如介绍:芬兰,新加坡, 澳大利亚等。教师可给学生介绍意大利的概况,如写出这些关键词语,Italy looks like a boot. Rome is the capital of Italy. The Leaning Tower is the best Known building in Pisa. Galileo Galilei, was born in Pisa.让学生简单的介绍和说明。


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