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    06-21 12:22:34    浏览次数: 200次    栏目:高一英语教案

标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,高一英语教案免费下载,http://www.deyou8.com 第一册新教材高一教案UNIT11(第6课时),

Period Six

(Integrating skills)<?

Step 1 Homework checking

Have the Ss talk about pop music and rock music.

Step 2 Reading

Read the text pop and rock music and complete the outline below:


Pop music

Rock music

Why is music important

to the musicians?

Music is their career. They use

Music to become rich and famous.



How are some written?

One person has a strong feeling and

expresses it with music,

and others help build the song.

What are the songs




Most pop songs are simple stories

About love that make people feel

easy and forget about the real







Step 3 Discussion

Compare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music. Start by completing the chart below, and then write a short essay in which you compare the two styles of music.


Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music


Traditional Chinese music

Modern Chinese music

What instruments are used?



When is the music played?



Who writes the songs?



What are the songs about?




Step 4 Writing

   In English, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills. Ask the Ss to write an essay entitled Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music with Pop vs Rock as a guide.

Step 5 Practice

Allow the Ss enough time to write the essay then show one of the Students’ on the screen. Do some adjustments.

Step 6 Consolidation

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