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英语教案-Let`s pain

    06-21 11:30:38    浏览次数: 847次    栏目:小学二年级英语教案

标签:科普版小学英语教案,新标准小学英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 英语教案-Let`s pain,

1、Learn the culture about the national flag .

2、Extend the knowledge unit 3

3、Foster moral education.


Aim one.

Course of teach:

Part 1 (class first)

1、 Class begins. (Teacher)

2、 Good morning, teacher or good afternoon, teacher. (Students)

3、 Good morning, students or good afternoon, students. Sit down, please. (Teacher)

4、 Today, we will learn the part of culture. Before the new class, let’s sing a song. OK? (Teacher)

5、 OK! (Students)

6、 Sing Hello together. (Use the recorder)

7、 You sing very well. (Teacher)


Part 2 (warm-up, dialog)

T: ×××, you stand up. Hello! Or Hi!

S: Hello! Or Hi!

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. How are you?

T: Fine, thanks.

T: What’s your name?

S: My name is ×××.

T: Oh,×××, Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Ah, your clothing is very beautiful.

S: Thank you.

T: What color is it?

S: Red Green Blue Purple Pink Yellow etc.

T: You are very good.

S: Thank you.

T: Bye-bye.

S: Bye.

“Who’s happy to dialog? Raise your hand.”

Repeat n.


Part 3 (Review colors)

T: You are better. Now, look here. I have some colorful cards. I take out one. At the same time you say one. OK?

Activity: Take out one of the cards. And Students say.

Part 4 (The new lesson)

T: Today, I maked a flag. Now, look, this is our national flag .(Show the flag for students )

T: What color is it? Look, this is red and this is yellow.

T: Right? (Ask the students)

S: Yes.

T: OK!

T: Now, look at the TV set. I will show you some flags. Oh, RESPLENDENCE.

T: This is the Canadian national flag. It’s 加拿大 in Chinese.

Look carefully, what color is it?

S: Red and white.

Repeat. (The America flag, The British flag, The flag of UN, etc.)

T: Look! This is an Olympic flag. Our homeland will hold the Olympic Game in 2008. We should pride on it. Now, look it. What color is it? (It’s Ok to reply one answer.)

T: Next, I Send out some flags to you. I will ask you what color your own flag is.

Star dialoging in pairs. (T-S, S-S)


Part 5 (Sum-up)

T: Today, you are very well. I hope you do better more than aftertime.


Part6 (Missing the class)

T: Class is over.

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