四字词语 口号 名人名言 顺口溜 祝福语 短信 教学文档 教学总结 教学反思 考研 自考 企业管理 营销 人力 财务 个人创业 求职指南 厨艺教学 物业 管理文库 谜语

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Teaching Plan for Unit 11

    10-03 03:57:06    浏览次数: 598次    栏目:高一英语教案

标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,高一英语教案免费下载,http://www.deyou8.com Teaching Plan for Unit 11,
Students’ grasp the teaching contents in an investigational way.

6.     teaching tools

recorder  cassette  pictures

IV  the Design of  Teaching  Activities

   Step 1 warming­ – up

1)             Ask the students to describe a good friend or themselves encourage the students to try to use more adjectives.

2)             Guessing Game

Ask the students to describe the appearance and characteristics of a friend or themselves. And let the other students guess who is being described.

  This activity is used as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class. And it is designed to encourage students to think about friends and friendship and to activate relevant vocabulary.

Step 2  Pre—reading

     Explain the situation to the students and give them time to think about what they would bring. The activity should generate different choices and opinions, thus making it a good opportunity for discussion. Ask the students to work in groups.

     The activity is designed to get the students to think about what it would be like to be alone on a deserted island. It is used as a previous part of the unit. And it gives the students an opportunity to practise giving opinions and making decisions.

Step 3  Reading

1)  Scanning

Teaching Plan for Unit 11由www.deyou8.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.deyou8.com
www.deyou8.com 2)  Extensive reading

3)  Ask the students to answer the questions.

4)  Explain the new words and phrases in the content.

By doing this, students can improve their reading abilities.

Step 4  Post—reading

1)  an interview

Ask two students to do this interview. One is a reporter. The other is Mr. Chuck Then make an interview according to the text.

By doing these, students can understand the main idea of the text better.

2)  a debate

        Create a real circumstance about the debate. Suppose four students represent four people and try to persuade the others that he or she should be given the parachute.

         After doing the debate, students can consolidate what they’ve learned in class, and develop their capabilities of communication and the abilities of logical thought.

Step 5  Homework

    an essay

    Ask the students to write an essay about the debate. By writing it, students can raise the writing abilities.


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