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八年级英语Pollution Fighters教案2

    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 774次    栏目:八年级英语教案

标签:初二英语教案,八年级上册英语教案,新目标八年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 八年级英语Pollution Fighters教案2,
Step 3 Practice(教材中的练习)
4. Writing
这个环节是要求学生根据五幅图片和提纲为学校报纸写一篇短文,反映上星期工人们在他们家附近建了一个sitting-out area。
1) 老师可以就每幅图片设计一些问题让学生讨论,这里可以用到本课的语法(the present continuous tense),进一步帮助学生巩固语法。
2)Questions for the pictures:
What can you see in Picture 1/2/3/4/5?
What‘s on the back of the lorry?
What are the workers doing in the ground?
Are they planting the trees in the holes?
What are the two workers doing in Picture 2?
What are they putting in the containers?
What are the workers doing in Picture 4?
How are they watering trees? (With a hose)
How is the area now?
3) 让学生独立完成短文,这里还要特别关照学生注意时态变化和句子的完整性。
4) 分小组让学生互相批改作文,纠正错误\;每组派一名学生朗读作文,老师与全班同学一起来欣赏和评价作文,看哪组同学完成的最好,进行表扬和鼓励。

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