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    11-14 22:50:03    浏览次数: 167次    栏目:礼仪英语

标签:商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,http://www.deyou8.com 涉外礼仪词语的英语表达,

Your Honor Mr. Mayor :Your Honon 同Your Excellency一样,用以尊称高级官员,“阁下”的意思

欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome /opening/closing speech/adress

致开/闭幕词deliver/make an opening/closing speech

签字仪式signing ceremony

友好访问goodwill visit

宣布开幕 declare ...open ;declarethe commencement of...

宣布闭幕declare...the conclusion /closing of...

发表热情友好讲话make a warm and friendly speech

热情洋溢的欢迎词gracious speech of welcome

尊敬的市长先生Respected /respectable/honorable Mr.Mayor

陛下Your /His / Her Majesty

殿下Your/His /Her Highness/Excellency /Royal Highness

阁下YOUr/His /Her Hornor/Excellency


东道国host country

值此.......之际on the occasion of

以........的名义in the name of

由衷的谢意Heartfelt thanks
