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    04-17 12:27:58    浏览次数: 989次    栏目:学生评语

标签:学生评语大全,一年级学生评语,高中学生评语,初中学生评语,http://www.deyou8.com 英语评语,

It's very clever of you to do so.
It's nice of you to write this way.
Wonderful!Your English is very good and your answers are correct.
I'm sure you can do your work better next time.
You've done a good job.
You are doing wonderfully!
You can do better now than you did before.
You have improved a lot.I am proud of you.
That's great.Please never give up trying.Success comes through hard work and constant effort.
No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in the future.
Whatgood work!You are the pride of our class.
Work harder,and you will make more progress.
The harder you work,the sooner you will improve.
Come on!I am sure you will catch up soon.

It's good to be correct.It's also important to be creative.
Excellent.You haven't made any mistakes,but do try to make your handwriting neater.
You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the tenses.
Your work is quite good
except for a few spelling mis- takes.
Keep it up.Remember that little by little one goes far.
The structure of the composition is good,buttry to make sure the word order in your sentences is correct.
Lily,I like your handwriting very much although there are some mistakes here.I am sure you can correct them.
Bill,I think you can do better if you work harder.
Your answers show you have real ability in the course,and you are developing increasing depth of thought and clarity of expression_r_r in your written work.However there are some grammar mistakes in the essay/here.
Your work has improved.I am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn.
You have done your work better this time.I believe that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard.Practice makes perfect.
●Merry Christmas!/Happy New Year!/Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays!/Happy birthday1/Many happy returns!
●Lingling,you have made a few mistakes in your work.I know that is because you were absent...I think it is only natural.Don't lose heart.I am ready to help you.

●Iam sorry to hear that you didn't pass the exam.I hope you are not too disappointed.I want to cheer you up with the saying"Failure is the mother of success".I nope to see much improvement in your future studies.
●Well done!/Neat and tidy!
●That's OK!
●What a good job you have done!
●Now you can do better than before.
●Your handwriting is excellent!
●Keep it up.
●Your English will become better if you work harder.
●Although you have not been successful,you have done better than ever.Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.
●Practice makes perfect.
●Where there is a will,there is a way.
●Awillfulman willhave his way.
●Failure is the only highroad to success.
●Diligence is the mother of good fortune/good luck.
●He who does not advance falls backward.
●The water wears away stones.

一 热情的表扬性的评语
苏霍姆斯基曾说:“成功的欢乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,是继续学习的一种动力。” 每一个学生都渴望自己的学习成果得到肯定和赞扬。用“Good!”,Great!”,“Wonderful!”,“Excellent ”,“Perfect!” “How clever you are!” “Your work is quite good!” “I'm very proud of you!”等这些简单的褒词和短句来表达对优秀地完成作业的学生的赞扬,能起到积极的推动作用。同时在对优等生的作业表扬中,教师可以不失时机地通过评语向他们提出更高的要求。比如不少学生的作业虽然是正确的,但缺乏创造性,我就写上:“ Well done! It’s excellent you haven't made any mistakes, but it’s much better to be creative. ” 又比如,班级中有个男同学英语成绩不错,作业正确率也较高,但是遗憾的是他的书写比较潦草,我常常提醒他注意改进,常在他的作业后写上“What good work! But try to make your handwriting nicer.”

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