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    11-14 22:55:02    浏览次数: 400次    栏目:英语美文欣赏

标签:英语美文欣赏资料大全,http://www.deyou8.com 英文美文 有志者事竟成,
        In ancient times, there is a monk, decided to go to the South China Sea. Moreover, he penniless distance. Traffic is very inconvenient. But he was not troubled by these difficulties, there is only one of his beliefs, I have to go to the South China Sea.    Therefore, he along the way than the edge, step-by-step direction to the South China Sea. Appealing when passing through a village, he met a wealthy family. When appealing to see this monk, the rich people asked him: "What do you appealing?"    Monk firmly replied: "I'm going to the South China Sea!"    Not laugh with the rich. "With you think of the South China Sea, I think the idea of the South China Sea for several years, but has not been well prepared. Like you poor people, not to the South China Sea, is not exhausted will starve to death. Or as early as possible to find secure a temple to live it! " '    Monk refused, insisting: "I must, sooner or later, went to the South China Sea."    A few years later, when the monks return from the South China Sea en route to the rich and appealing home, this rich, is also preparing his trip to the South China Sea.        • Revelation    
www.deyou8.com       Where there, as do competing. We live in society, there are many people and are in the planning, the dream of waiting, preparation, polish kneel numerous years, there is still no lack of motivation of human action is only a poor never ideologues, he has been in the preparation of plans, but he tomorrow, next year may never be more than today, better prepared this year to fully and better. However, he still do not understand this truth, the lack of the spirit to put words into action, the last is often attributed to the failure of their own fate. Yes, his failures and inaction can only be commonplace, "fate" of the the doomed.    古时候,有一个和尚,决定要到南海去.但他身无分文况且路途遥远.交通又极不方便。但他没有被这些困难所困扰,他只有一个信念,我一定要到南海去。
  于是,他便沿途比缘、一步一步往南海的方向迈进。路过一个村庄化缘时、他碰到一个比较有钱的人家。当看到这个和尚化缘时,有钱人便问他:“你化缘干什么?”   和尚坚定地回答:“我要去南海!”        有钱人不由哈哈大笑起来。“凭你也想到南海,我想到南海的念头已经有好几年了,但还一直没有准备充分。像你这样贫穷的人,还没到南海,就是不累死也会饿死了。还是趁早找个寺庙安稳度日吧!”’ 和尚不为所动,固执地说:“我迟早一定要赶到南海。”    几年以后,当和尚从南海返回的途中又到这个有钱人家里化缘时,这个富人还在准备他的南海之行。    •启示   有志者,事竞成。在我们生活的社会之中,有许多人一且都在计划、梦想、等待、准备之中,磋跪了无数岁月,仍然没有行动缺乏动力的人永无只是一个可怜的空想家,他一直都在准备、计划之中,但他明天、明年也许永远不会比今天,今年准备得更充分、更好。但他始终不明白这个道理,缺乏坐言起行的精神,最后又往往把自己的失败归咎于命运的安排。是的,他的失败和庸碌无为也只能是“命”中注定的了。  

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