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    05-10 22:33:15    浏览次数: 996次    栏目:经典语句

标签:伤感经典语句,人生经典语句,英文经典语句,http://www.deyou8.com 经典英语口语句子,
You make me jump! 你下了我一跳!
We better get going! 最好马上就走
Time is running out! 没有时间了!
There you go again! 你又来了!
There is nothing on your business! 这没你的事!
The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!
The same as usual! 一如既往!
The dice is cast! 已成定局了!
The answer is zero! 白忙了!
That‘s more like that! 这才象话嘛!
That‘s going too far! 这太离谱了!
That‘s always the case! 习以为常!
That‘s a touchy issue! 这是个辣手得问题!
That makes no difference. 不都一样吗?
Stay on the ball! 集中注意力!
Stay away from me! 离我远一点!
Speaking of the devil! 一说曹操,曹操就到!
So far, so good. 过得去。  
She looks blue today. 她今天很忧郁!
She is under the weather. 她心情不好!
Please keep me informed! 请一定要通知我!
Please don‘t rush me! 请不要吹促我!
Now you are really talking! 说得对!
None of your business! 要你管?
No pain no gain! 不经一事,不长一智!
No doubt about it! 勿庸置疑!
Nice talking to you! 很高兴和你聊天! 经典爱情语句.
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