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  • ·Good, better, best
  • Good, better, best,never let it rest,till good is better,and better is best.经典爱情语句. 此文章是由(www.deyou8......英语顺口溜__01-12
  • ·I shall not see the shadows
  • I shall not see the shadows,I shall not feel the rain,I shall not hear the nightingaleSing on as if in pain,And d.....英语顺口溜__01-12
  • ·Evening red and morning gray
  • Evening red and morning gray,Send the traveler on his way,Evening gray and morning red, Bring the rain upon his he.....英语顺口溜__01-12
  • ·what is pink
  • what is pink? A rose is pink, By the fountain’s brink, What is blue? The sky is blue. Where the clouds float thr.....英语顺口溜__01-12
  • ·The moon is in the sky
  • The moon is in the sky,It is far and high,Let’s go to the moon,Let’s ride a rocket and fly. . 此文章是由(www.d.....英语顺口溜__01-12
  • ·儿童英语单词顺口溜
  • Dog dog汪汪汪,Cat cat喵喵喵,Duck duck嘎嘎嘎,Monkey monkey尾巴长,Panda panda是国宝,Rabit rabit跳一跳,Pig pig睡懒.....英语顺口溜__01-12
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