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    06-22 14:55:40    浏览次数: 377次    栏目:英语面试

标签:英语自我介绍,英语面试问题,英语面试常见问题,http://www.deyou8.com 英文关键字助你网申通关,

  * Team player -- Starting out in yourcareer, you’ll want to work on a team, you’ll need to work on a team,and the hiring manager is going to want to hear that. Tell ’em。


  * Leadership -- At an entry-level,you’re not being hired as a manager. But showing leadership also meansshowing independent thinking and the ability to take control of asituation, rather than always deferring to somebody else。


  * Oral and written communications --If you can’t communicate, nobody knows what you’re doing, or how good(or bad) you’re doing。


  * Problem-solving and decision-making-- Some of the key keywords -- showing the ability to get things done,regardless of the obstacles. You’ll want these skills showing。


  * "Bright" and "Passionate" -- Acompany that wants "bright" or "passionate" employees is hoping to tapinto the energy of youth. You’re perfect. Apply now。

