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    03-14 12:38:20    浏览次数: 680次    栏目:英文简历模板

标签:英文简历范本,英文简历范文,应届生英文简历模板,http://www.deyou8.com 英文简历20172017,

Chinese name:  Zhao Yhong   English name: Erin
Date of birth: May, 30th ,1985
Nationality:  Chinese
Present Address: Hubei Vocational-technical College, Xiaogan, Hubei, China.
Phone Number: 15907298057
E-mail: yahong123353@163.com
Education: Hubei Vocational-technical College, Xiaogan, Hubei
Major: Business English
Work Experience: Teach English in our junior school in 2006
Cereificates:CET-4, CET-6 Computer 1, Secretary-4
Special skills: using the computer, collect information, ability to get alone well with people. Commom language
Reference: LiaoXinjia    Hubei Vocational-technical College, Xiaogan
Telephone: 13995884763
LiChentao HubeiVocational-technicalCollege,Xiaogan                             Telephone: 15826839888
Ms.Sherman    Hubei Vocational-technical College,Xiaogan
Telephone: 13972685350
E-mail: dorathy sherman@hot mail.com