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Masonry Supply Manager cover letter

    11-14 22:50:43    浏览次数: 448次    栏目:英文求职信

标签:英文求职信开头,英文求职信格式,英文求职信范文,http://www.deyou8.com Masonry Supply Manager cover letter,
Dear Mr Ho

Application for the position of Masonry Supply Manager

In response to your advertisement in JobsPower.com on January 4 regarding the above position, I hereby enclose my resume for your consideration.

I have more than ten years' experience with a building materials firm, specializing in masonry and plastering products supply. During my five years as General Manger, I improved the customer and supplier relations, as well as the firm's image, which gradually increased the business profit by 250%.

Currently I am looking for an opportunity to excel in a more dynamic company and continue to make a positive contribution to an industry in which I am well experienced.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I may discuss with you my enthusiasm for the job. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Steven Cheung

Steven Cheung


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