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当前位置:得优网语句网名人名言经典台词双语《暮光之城》2新月经典台词大全 没有你,我该怎么活下去!

双语《暮光之城》2新月经典台词大全 没有你,我该怎么活下去!

    01-20 14:32:22    浏览次数: 556次    栏目:经典台词

标签:电影经典台词,经典台词大全,蜗居经典台词,http://www.deyou8.com 双语《暮光之城》2新月经典台词大全 没有你,我该怎么活下去!,

《暮光之城》2继续爱德华与贝拉的爱情故事,“没有你,我该怎么活下去!” 现实生活中,你也有这样一位让你可以为其付出一切的爱人吗?

1、We'll just leave. Just you and me.
我们逃走吧 就我和你

2、Will I set up my everlasting rest?

3、And lately, that's all the time.
最近 我总是孤身一人

4、I need a girl's night out.

5、So, you're an adrenaline junky now?

6、And lips, you the doors of breath,...seal with a righteous kiss.

7、A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

8、I don't want without you. - It's not about your soul.
 没有你 我活着也没意思 - 这与灵魂无关

9、Eyes,look your last!Arms,take your last embrace!

10、Have you ever had a secret you couldn't tell anyone?

11、I had to lie and you believe me so easily
我必须撒谎 你却那么轻易地相信我

12、I'd never given much thought to how I would die.

13、And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world wearied flesh.

14、Bella, you're everything to me.ou're everything.
Bella 你是我的一切Y,我的一切

15、I just think it means something really different to you.
但我知道这对你而言 意义非凡

16、I'm really not into the whole cougar thing, you know?

17、I never acted out of guilt.I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist.

18、What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?
怎么 我这类怪物配不上你?

19、Okay, tell me something. You like me, right?And you think, I'm sorta beautiful?
告诉我 你喜欢我 对吧?而且你也觉得 我挺帅的吧?

20、Because of your gentle paleness and lack of know-how.
因为你长得弱不禁风 又呆头呆脑的

21、I promised that I won't hurt you, Bella.And this is me keeping that promise.
Bella 我曾发誓绝不会伤害你,而我这样做是在信守誓言

22、Maybe I'm crazy now, but I guess that's okay.If the rush of danger is what it takes to see him...
或许我是有点疯 但也没关系,如果涉险的举动能让我见到他...

23、But I'm here now.And I'm not gonna leave her side till she orders me away.
现在我回来了,我会一直陪在她身旁 除非她赶我走

24、I hope you can because...I honestly don't know how to live without you.
我希望你能原谅我 因为...我实在不知道 没有你 我该怎么活下去

25、Sam keeps giving me this look,like he's waiting for me or something.

26、But in a way I'm glad.The pain is my only reminder that he was real...that you all were.
但这也让我庆幸,因为这种痛彻心肺 能提醒我 他曾真实存在过...你们曾真实存在过

27、How extraordinary.You would give up your life for someone like us.A vampire.
太伟大了,你愿意为了像我们这样的献出生命,为了吸血鬼经典语录大全 http://www.deyou8.com

28、To see, what you have seen. Before it is happened.Your gifts will make for an intriguing...immortal.
事情尚未发生 就能看到你的预见,你的特异功能 能让你成为迷人的...吸血鬼

29、I don't know, why you wanna sit through all those zombies eating people,and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross.
真搞不懂你 为什么你非得看这类僵尸吃人的电影,既没帅哥 也没吻戏 恶心得很

30、Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in a 100 years.I swear...I will never fail you again.
离开你 是我在这一百年当中 所做过的最艰难的事我发誓...我绝不会再辜负你

31、Bella, the only reason I left...was because I thought I was protecting you.I needed you to have a chance... at a normal, happy life.
Bella 我离开的唯一原因...是因为我觉得这能保护你,我想让你获得... 过着正常快乐的生活的机会

32、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. (Bella)

33、He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial. (Bella)

34、and he left...You took everything with you.But the absence of him is everywhere I look....It's like a huge hole...has been punched through my chest.
他也走了...你就这样消声匿迹了,可是他残留的气息 依然历历在目..而我的心 似是硬生生地...被撕裂出一道伤口