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    01-24 00:32:29    浏览次数: 632次    栏目:外销员考试试题

标签:历年外销员考试真题,http://www.deyou8.com 外贸出口英语:公共场合偶遇,
Hello, sir/madam, nice to meet you. Are you here for business trip?
yes, nice to meet you too
I take liberty of asking if you are doing textile business.
Yes, are you a salesman?
Trade company or factory?
Of course factory. 
What’s your strong point?
  Jacquard hometextile fabric is our strong point. Do you have any office in Shaoxing?
I have an office in Keqiao, here’s my namecard. I’ve some inquiries of Jacquard fabrics, please bring samples to my office.
There’s thousands different kinds of fabrics in our Samples’Room, how can I bring them? Since you have an office in Keqiao, and Keqiao is very close to our factory, why don’t you spend a few minutes in our sample room? When you are free, just call me, I can arrange a car pick you up from your office.
Please bring some samples and show me first, and then I’ll visit you.
Ok, let’s contact later. Good bye.
  Good bye and good luck!
  不要放弃任何结识客户的机会。在任何公共场合,只要有时间有机会,就应该大胆的和他联系。而在柯桥,在街上随便转转,就可以抓一大把,有时候就是这么简单的一个 “hello”,会给你带来意想不到的惊喜。我的第一个单子就是在公交车上,和老外打了个招呼,然后从绍兴到柯桥一路攀谈,后来我又拜访了一下他的公司,并给他看了一些样,报了价,3个星期后,他就带着他的买家来到我们公司(原华宇外贸六部,现江龙纺织印染有限公司)下了3个柜。那时我下海刚好是一个月时间。
Hi, sir, nice to meet you, may I see your boss?
Hi, have you made an appointment?
No, sorry, I just invite myself. I work for a major home textile factory, our strong point is Jacquard fabrics, and want introduce our factory to your company.
Oh, let me check, boss is available or not, a second.
Ok, thank you.
Come in, boss want to meet you now.
Hi, sir. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too, do you bring samples?
Yes, here you are.
Not bad, I’m interested in them, leave the the samples ok?
Sorry, the samples are only for showing new clients when I visit them. There’s much more designs in our factory’s samples’ room. How about arranging a time, and select more what you really interested in in our factory?
Ok, sure, I will come, give me your namecard, I’ll call you before I come.
Waiting for your call, and will any of your buyer come soon?
If come, please bring them to our factory.
Ok, no problem.
Thank you for your time, but before leaving, may I take a look at your samples’ room, and it’s just for me to better know your company.
Be my guest.
And could you show me your regular items that you’re placing orders, or what items do you have inquiries and what items are going to place orders?
What price of these items are you buying?
1.10 dollars per meter FOB Shanghai.
Very low, how much do you order usually?
All container basis.
Please give me some cuttings of your items, then I can let our engineer check them, and try to give you better price than you’re getting.
Ok waiting for good news.
Thanks you, see you.
See you.
  所以首先,要给客户看你的样。你自己一定要带些代表性的样,这个样只是给他看的,不用给他。如果他真的对你产品有兴趣,他肯定会来你们公司的样品间的,甚至会把客户带过来。然后你看客户的样,看一看客户样品间,看他们在做些什么。问问他们的常规产品,并且要向他们要块小样,最好是问来他们在做的价格,当然很可能不会和你说。了解客户最近的Inquiries, 以及最近会有什么买家过来。随时要保持主动。一般一次客户拜访的成功与否,就是看你是否掌握了客户的这些基本情况。
