Part V. Translation.(25%)
Section A. Translate the following texts" into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
1.在德翁(Professor Ronald Dworkin)眼里,他接触的中国知识份子是一批典型的机会主义分子——他们假装没有看到中国现实的人权状况:他们精通世故,只淡大而无当的抽象话题,小心翼翼地自我检索言论,以免惹恼政府;他们在外国人面前众口一词地对中国的前景表示乐观:他们甚至沾沾自喜地认为自己享有政府默许的特权——只要不格,就比一般民众有更多的自由发牢骚。德翁是一个让价值判断支配视觉的人,他的道德哲学使他无法认同这样一批中国崇拜者。——他们努力在德翁面前显得象自由主义者,却缺乏自由主义者应有的道德责任。
Section B. Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
People in our culture who like to think of themselves as tough-minded and realistic, including influential political leaders and businessmen as well as go-getters and hustlers of smaller caliber, tend to take it for granted that human nature is "selfish" and that life is a struggle in which only the fittest may survive. According to the philosophy, the basic law by which man must live, in spite of his surface veneer of civilization, is the law of the jungle.
The "fittest" are those who can bring to the struggle superior force, superior cunning, and superior ruthlessness.
The wide currency of this philosophy of the "survival of the fittest" enables people who act ruthlessly and selfishly, whether in personal rivalries, business competition, or international relations, to allay their consciences by telling themselves that they are only obeying a "law of nature". But a disinterested observer is entitled to ask whether the ruthlessness of the tiger, the cunning of the ape, and [obedience] to the "law of the jungle" are actually evidences of human fitness to survive.
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