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    11-14 22:49:11    浏览次数: 959次    栏目:材料员考试试题

标签:材料员试题,历年材料员考试真题,http://www.deyou8.com 2011年全国材料员考试试题三(2),
  1. 名词解释 (每题2分,共12分)
  2. 堆积密度是指粉状或粒状材料在堆积状态下,单位体积的质量。
  3. 水泥活性混合材料是指磨成细粉后,与石灰或与石灰和石膏拌和在一起,并加水后,在常温下,能生成具有胶凝性水化产物,既能在水中,又能在空气中硬化的混和材料。
  4. 砂浆的流动性是指砂浆在自重或外力的作用下产生流动的性质。
  5. 混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值是指按标准方法制作和养护的边长为150mm 的立方体试件,在28d 龄期,用标准试验方法测得的强度总体分布中具有不低于95 %保证率的抗压强度值。
  6. 钢材的冷弯性是指刚才在常温下承受弯曲变形的能力。
  7. 石油沥青的针入度是指在规定温度25 ℃条件下,以规定重量100g 的标准针,经历规定时间5s 贯入试样中的深度。
  8. 判断题 (对的划√,不对的划×, 每题1分,共15分)

    1. × 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. × 6. × 7. × 8. × 9. × 10. × 11. × 12. × 13. × 14.√15.×

  9. 填空题 ( 每题1分,共25分)
  10. 不变,减小,降低,增大,降低,降低
  11. 下降,破坏,破坏
  12. 强度、耐久性
  13. 水泥强度、水泥用量
  14. 合理、流动性,坍落度,水泥用量
  15. 沸腾钢、镇静、半镇静、镇静,沸腾
  16. 延度,针入度,软化点
  17. 问答题 (共30分)
  18. Gypsum products can produce better sound absorption and make temperature and humidity adjustment for it is light with more open pores and has small thermal conductivity and specific heat.Gypsum products can be used for decoration for its white color and excellent fineness as well as the small bulging effects after hardening. It is easy to be processed and can be used for fireproof due to its more production of crystal when on fire. Gypsum products for construction have more open voids and better water absorption so it has poor performance in fireproof, anti-permeability and anti-freezing. Besides these, it is easy to be polluted in the outside.(10分)
  19. Cement with mineral admixtures has the following properties, comparing to Portland cement: (1分)

    • Lower strength in the early period but quick development of strength in the late period (1分)
    • Lower temperature and slow heat release in hydration (1分)
    • Better heat resistance for high temperature curing (1分)
    • Stronger an-erosion and anti-conrrosion (1分)

  20. The advantages of ordinary concrete as the structural materials are

    • Excellent plasticity before setting and hardening (1分)
    • Good cohesion with steel (1分)
    • High compressive strength and good durability (1分)
    • Abundant raw materials (1分)
    Its disadvantages are it is heavy and lower in tensile strength (1分)
  21. Durability is proposed for the description of concrete ability in resisting environment and medium influence and maintaining good utility properties. The following steps can be taken to enhance its durability:

    (1) select cement type according to the specific construction environment and properties.(2分)

    (2) set W/C and use cement properly. W/C is the decisive factor in concrete solidity. Strictly control the maximum W/C and guarantee the plentiful usage of cement(2分)

    (3) select excellent crushed stones and crude aggregates. Improve the fine and crude aggregates gradation. Select the crude aggregates with larger diameter within the permitted diameter ranges. Reduce aggregates voidage and specific surface area.(2分)

    (4) Use air entraining admixture and water reducing admixture to improve the anti-permeability and frost-resistance ability.(2分)

    (5) Enforce the construction quality control(2分)

  22. 计算题 (共18分)
  23. 解:孔隙率 P =( 1 - ρ0/ρ )× 100 %=( 1-1.8/2.7 )× 100 % =33 %;
    重量吸水率 mw =( m/m )× 100 %= [(1020-920)/920] × 100 % =11 %;
    开口孔隙率= V/V0 =[ (1020-920)/ ( 920/1.8 ) ] × 100 %= 19.6 %
    闭口孔隙率= 33 %- 19.6 %= 13.4 %
    所以,该材料的孔隙率、重量吸水率、开口孔隙率及闭口孔隙率分别为: 33 %; 11 %; 19.6 %; 13.4 %。 (5分)

  24. 解:设水泥的质量为CKg ,则 W = 0.62CKg ; S = 2.43CKg ; G = 4.71CKg ;
    按假定表观密度法有: C+S+G+W= ρ0h
    所以, C + 0.62C + 2.43C + 4.71C= 2400
    由上式可得: C= 274Kg ; W = 170Kg ; S = 666Kg ; G = 1290Kg 。
    所以,各种材料的用量为: C= 274Kg ; W = 170Kg ; S = 666Kg ; G = 1290Kg 。(6分)

  25. 解:软化点为 95℃ 的石油沥青用量 = (95℃-75℃)/(95 ℃- 25℃)× 100 %
    = 28.6 %
    软化点为 25℃ 的石油沥青用量 =100 %- 28.6 %= 71.4 %
    所以,软化点为 95℃ 的石油沥青用量为 28.6 %;软化点为 25℃ 的石油沥青用量为 71.4 %。 (7分)