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  • ·英语故事 丑小鸭
  • The Ugly Duckling A mother duck was brooding on her eggs near the margin of a pond. A flock of lovely baby ducks was .....英语故事__11-14
  • ·趣味搞笑英语故事 汤姆是玛丽
  • 有一对外国老夫妇到内蒙古农村住了下来。因为村里的人无法和他们交流,老夫妇很寂寞,就养了一只猫。一天早上 ,老夫妇正梳理猫毛.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语小故事Nesquik
  • 英语小故事Nesquik..英语故事__11-14
  • ·小学英语寓言故事 The fox without a tail
  • 小学英语寓言故事 The fox without a tailA fox's tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lo.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语小故事Funny Sunny Bunny Day
  • 英语小故事Funny Sunny Bunny Day..英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语小故事bananas for lunch
  • 英语小故事bananas for lunch..英语故事__11-14
  • ·西游记英文版:闹蟠桃会
  • Chaos at the Feast of Peaches One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey Sun, the GREat Sage Equalling Heaven, to He.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·西游记英文版:鱼精作怪
  • Fish Spirit Makes Trouble Tang Priest and his three disciples traveled westward. One night, they arrived at the Tong.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·小学英语小故事 five little babies
  • 小学英语小故事 five little babies..英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语故事 The Saucy Boy
  • One evening, as he was sitting at home, there was a terrible storm going on outside; the rain was pouring down, bu.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语寓言故事 狼很难抓到兔子
  • 英语寓言故事,儿童英语故事,小学英语故事 The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.....英语故事__11-14
  • ·英语小故事six little teddy bears
  • 英语小故事six little teddy bears..英语故事__11-14
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