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    01-08 15:04:26    浏览次数: 328次    栏目:书信

标签:英文书信,英语书信格式,中文书信格式,http://www.deyou8.com [书信作文]六芒星中小学作文培训网,书信,
The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible.
For examples: PS: the catalogue was sent to you on July 7th. 300字作文

Section B Format of a Business letter
Full block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.
The former is now the most popular practice of displaying business letters.
Its remarkable feature is that all typing lines, including those for the date,
Inside name and address, salutation, subject heading, each message paragraph and complimentary close, begin at the left-hand margin.
Business letters with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuations, re paragraphed by equal line spaces.
For this letter-style the open punctuation pattern is used, the end of the date line, the inside address lines, the salutation, the complimentary close and the signature block lines are unpunctuated, but a comma is necessary between the day and year in the date line and the full stop is retained after the abbreviation such as company, Inc. and Ltd.
While the mixed punctuation pattern, the most welcomed style today, requires an absence of punctuation marks from the date line, the inside address lines and the signature block lines except a colon or comma after the salutation and the complimentary close. 500字作文
Modified block form with indented paragraphs indented style is the traditional British practice with the heading usually in the middle and the date on the right-hand side.
The complimentary close may be in the center or commence at the center point. The mixed punctuation is often used. 作文700字

Tel: (86-10) 67483650
Fax: (86-10) 67483651
4 February 1998
Resunic Trade Links
Regd Office Thriuvamkulam Cochin 678201
Kerata India
Dear sirs
We now have pleasure in receiving your letter dated 23th
May 1997
Yours sincerely
Project Manager
Encl. As stated


Section C Writing Rules for Business Letters
Business correspondence is still a basic activity involved in trade, and remain a very important form of communication even nowadays.
They deliver their companies’ images to the public.
Business letters are often an arrangement or regarded as evidence of a contract.
They are written for information exchange and bridge over the desires between buyers and sellers.
The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. They must be friendly and courteous.
We should bear in mind the point that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationships.
Generally speaking: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy. 700字作文

Try to put yourself in his or her place to give consideration to his or her wishes , demands, interests and difficulties.
Find the best way to express your better understanding and present the message.
That enables a request to be refused without killing all hope of business or allows a refusal to do favor to be made without harming friendship.


Correctness means not only proper expressions with correct grammar , punctuation and spelling, but also appropriate tone which is a help to achieve the purpose.
It is likely to convey the real message in a way that will not cause offence even if it is a complaint or an answer to such a letter.
Business letters must be factual information accurate figures and exact terms in particular, for they involve the right, the duties and the interest of both sides often as the base of all kinds of documents.
Therefore we should not understate nor overstate as understatement might lead to less confidence and hold up the trade development. While overstatement throws you into an awkward position. 600字作文

As you work hard for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind:
Why do you write the letter, what are the facts supporting the reasons, whether you have answered all the questions asked or not and what the reader is expected to do. 700字作文

What the letter comes to should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract and general.
Take, for example, some qualities or characters of goods that should be shown with exact figures and avoid words like short, long or good.
Give specific time (with date ,month, year and even offer hour, minute if necessary).
But avoid expressions such as yesterday, next month , immediately and etc. 作文500字

Conciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing clarity or courtesy.
A good business letter should be precise and to the point.
Single words are more efficient than phrases.
Wordy languages and redundancy require more time and money to type and to read.
They are not what modern business people want. 作文600字

Keep constantly in mind what you want to say in your letter.
It is welcomed if you express yourself clearly and directly in the simplest language.
Plain, simple words are more easily understood.
A properly paragraphed message is required for the purpose of clarity.
For instance ,we use semimonthly instead of bimonthly for two times a moth., because bimonthly may mean both two times a month and once every two month. 800字作文

Courtesy means to show tactfully in your letters the honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect. www.deyou8.com作文网

Answer letters in good time and write to explain why if you fail to do it promptly.
Even if you don’t think the recipient is right, you should still respond tactfully and politely.
Sometimes it is a help to use you-attitude instead of I-attitude.

标签:商务  信函  书信  格局   700字作文

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