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    11-14 22:50:03    浏览次数: 716次    栏目:面试技巧

标签:面试技巧问题,应聘面试技巧,外企面试技巧,http://www.deyou8.com 英文面试:向客户介绍自己,

Dear Ms. Chen,

As Advertising and Marketing companies are increasingly being called upon to
provide information about web usage to their customers, it is daily more profitable
to find experienced internet marketers to manage a companys marketing

Through my marketing/research experiences and my masters thesis, which
particularly focused on the growing importance of safety and virus protection in streaming advertisements, I am certain I could give you valuable assistance in satisfying your customers needs with regards to internet marketing. 

I will be completing my masters degree in June and would appreciate a moment
of your valuable time so that I can show you how I can help your company meet
its goals.

I am sure my services would be useful to you, and I will call you in early June to
discuss the interview.  Please feel free to email any questions to me at wdjlw@P>

Thank you for your time and consideration.

