9.根据《中华人民共和国海关稽查条例》的规定,海关可以在规定期限内,对被稽查人的与进出口活动有关的帐簿、单证等资料实施稽查,不受任何单位和个人的干涉。( )
10.某进出口公司承揽一笔来料加工业务,委托某个体企业加工,该个体企业可以以自己的名义向海关办理报关手续。( )
11.某报关企业报关员利用本企业的进料加工手册代他人进口原材料构成走私行为,其法律责任应由企业承担。( )
12.对以进料加工、来料加工方式生产激光唱盘、激光视盘而进口的料件,海关仅任当地外经贸部门出具的批准证明予以登记备案。( )
13.进口列入《国家限制进口的可用作原料的废物目录》中的废物,必须经国家环保局批准,方可进口,凡未列入该目录的其他所有废物,禁止进口。( )
14.外商向我国出口其未曾在中国登记过的化学品,须向我化工进出口总公司提出登记申请,经审查符合规定的,由其发给《化学品进口环境管理登记证》,海关应凭此放行出口。( )
15.国家对进出口货物的管制措施是各自相对独立的,不能因实施了某种管制,而减少或解除另一种管制。( )
16.对属于进口付汇的货物,关在货 物放行时将出具一份盖有海关验讫章的电脑打印报关单:交进口人向税务机关申请退税。( )
18.对进出口大宗散货,收发货人或其代理人可向海关申请,要求海关结合装卸环节,在作业现场予以查验放行。但必须在申报时提供担保。( )
19.申请建立保税仓库,除了要求具有专门储存、堆放进口货物的安全设施,建立、健全的仓库管理制度和详细的仓储帐册、配备经海关培训认可的专职管理人员外,保税仓库的经理人还应具备向海关缴纳税款的能力。( )
20.某工艺服装厂承接1万套剑道服来料加工合同,加工期三年,成品全部返销日本,合同规定外商无偿提供一套价值2.5万美元的专用设备。该合同执行期满加工成品全部返销出口,该厂在海关办理了该合同返销手续,该设备也随之解除海关监管。( )
21.暂准进口制度是一种海关业务制度,按照该项制度,某些货物(包括运输工具)在运入关境时,可以有条件地免纳进口关税和国内税;但应受政治和经济性质的进口禁止和限制。此项货物必须在特定的期限内除因在使用中正常损耗者外,按原状恢复出口。( )
23.某公司从新加坡进口了2000箱(1*24*300ml/箱)“杨协成”清凉饮料,申请价格为CIF广州HKD45/箱。海关在审核进口单证时发现,合同还规定了“货物售完后,买方须将销售利润的20%返还给卖方”,经进一步调查,海关认定该公司的成交价格受到影响,因此不予接受其申报价格。( )
24.某机械设备进出口公司1997年12月进口一批设备配件,后于1998年2月对该批设备配件进口税款提出异议。海关经审核,发现由于计算错误,造成多征税款43750元人民币。根据海关的规定,该公司要求海关予以退还上述多征的税款。( )
25.滑准税是根据进口商品价格的变化设置不同税率计征税款的一种关税。从1997年10月1日起,我国海关对进口的新闻纸实行滑准税。( )
26.索赔进口货物进口时,海关都予以免征进口关税和进口环节税。( )
28.某进口单位在申报进口租赁期在一年以上的租赁贸易货物时,只填制了一份贸易方式为“租赁贸易”的报关单,海关认为其申报有误。( )
30.报关单上的“收货单位”应为进口货物在境内的最终消费、使用的单位名称,“发货单位”应为出口货物在境内的生产或销售的单位名称。( )
1.The Customs may withhold the goods connected with the smuggling cases. The word withhold has the similar meanings of the following words except ______.
A. clear
B. detain
C. refuse to give
D. refund
2.The Customs will not ______ the restricted goods unless a import or export license is obtained.
A. clear
B. release
C. sell
D. buy
3. The operation of the storage, processing and consignment sales should be approved by and registered _____ the Customs.
A. for
B. by
C. from
D. with
4.The goods which are carried into and out of the territory by the the same vessel or aircraft are delined as ______.
A.transit goods
B. Transshipment goods
C. through goods
D. import and export goods
5.The goods which have entered the territory, approved by the Customs as items for which no formalities are performed in the way of duty payment, and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored, processed or assembled in the territory are defined as ______ .
A. bonded goods
B. through goods
C. transshipment goods
D. transit goods
6.In duty caculation. In case of the CIF price of imports is in terms of foreign currency, it shall be converted into _____.
A.another foreign currency quoted
B. RMB at selling price quoted
C. RMB at selling price quoted
D. RMB at the middle price between the buying and selling price quoted
7.In case Customs duties are short-levied or not levied on import or export, the Customs may, within ______ after the date of payment of Customs duties short-levied or not levied.
A.six months
B.one yuan
C.two years
D.four yuans
8.Any dispute arising from duty payment between the audites and the Customs shall be dealt with in accordance with the provision laid down in the _____.
A.egulations on Customs External Auditing of the Peoples Republic of China
B.stoms Law of the Peoples Republic of China
C.gulations on Import and Export Tariff the Peoples Republic of China
D.th B and C
9.Colombo is one of the port cities of _____.
A. Sri Lanka
B. India
C. Malaysia
D. Iran
10.The seller should guarantee that the commodity complies ______ the quality, specification and performance as stipulated in the contract.
B. in
C. to
D. with