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  • 名称:高三英语综合能力训练题2
  • 类型:高考英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:01-22 15:33:39
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:215
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:333 KB 3
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:高考英语试题,高考英语作文模板, 高三英语综合能力训练题2,
……ere. They had to decide where and which animal to visit as their time was 37 . So both of them agreed not to 38 after choosing a 39 at every fork(岔路口). A road sign at the first fork 40 one way to the lion quarters and the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the 41 after a 42 discussion because lions were“the king of the grassland”.The second showed a division (路口)going separately to the panda and peacock,They 43 panda as it was the nation’s treasure and went its way. Thus they made choices all along the way and each choice meant 44 what they couldn’t help regretting. But they had to make it,and 45 ,for it brooked(容忍)no delay. If they hesitated they would miss 46 .Only 47 decision could offer more chances for sightseeing and 48 possible regret. Life is 49 like this——choices often occur that one has to make,for example ,between two 50 jobs,two fascinating wooers(追求者)——To get one you 51 give up the other——you con get half of it. If you 52 weighing the pros and co……

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